Discipleship happens best in the context of relationships, and our groups are designed to help foster those relationships that Christ uses for growth in our lives. Each group is designed to gather around common interests and/or stages of life.
Adult Ministry
Young Adults
Leader: Brianna "Bri" Jones and Brennan Richie
Who: 18-28 "young adults"
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:30am
Where: Room S204 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: This group focuses on learning how to live a life centered on Christ and his word as young adults.
Study: Mainly Bible Study with Application
Leader: Matthew Lewis - mlewis2151@gmail.com
Who: Adults 24-45 (with or without kids)
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:30am
Where: Room S207 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: This group focuses on learning about Life in Christ, connecting in Life Together, and expressing Christ’s Life in everyday life.
Study: Varies (Bible Studies, Book Studies, Video Studies, etc.)
LIFFT (Living in faith & fellowship)
Leader: Billy Gandy - gandybeg28@gmail.com
Who: 40-50’s (mostly couples w/school aged kids)
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:30am
Where: Room M226 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: A group that is driven by member discussion on various biblical studies. They rotate between video studies, thematic studies, and studying books of the Bible. They gather together for various times of connection and fellowship together outside of Sunday morning group time.
Study: Various biblical studies.
seekers CLASS
Leader: Mike Easley - mikeasley4@gmail.com
Who: 55-70’s
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:30am
Where: Room M112 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: This is a diverse group of men and women, ages 30-80 with most falling in the 55-70 range. They focus on increasing their understanding of God’s Word and how it influences worldview and daily living. They enjoy a close fellowship with each other, sharing life both in and out of class times.
Study: Various biblical studies.
shiloah group
Leader: Jonathan Sears - jsears@austin.rr.com
Who: 60-80’s
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:30am
Where: Room M113 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: This group seeks to cover the timeless principles and doctrines found throughout each book of the Bible. They also serve the Joy Food Pantry by collecting money and/or food to donate.
Study: Explore the Bible
cates fellowship group
Leader: Bart Swope - bartstires2@gmail.com
Who: 70-80’s
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:30am
Where: Room M110 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: This group opens each Sunday with a hymn they sing together. It is followed by a time of sharing prayer requests and then diving into various biblical studies. Each month this group has a fellowship time of eating out or playing games together.
Study: Bible Studies for Life
disciples group
Leader: Dr. Randy Kirtley
Who: Adults of any age
Day: Sunday
Time: 9:30am
Where: Room M111 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: Dr. Kirtley practices Family Medicine in Lockhart, TX and loves to teach and take group participants on a deep dive into Scripture. While the majority of this group is in their 50-70’s, it is open to adults of any age.
Study: Explore the Bible
(Meet at various times/places throughout the week.)
Knowing God's word and passing it on
Leader: Laurel Lear - laurellear@gmail.com
Who: Adult Women of All Ages
Day: Every Wednesday (throughout the school year)
Time: 6:45pm-7:45pm
Where: Room E115 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: A gathering with believing Sisters in Christ who are willing to grow and dig deep into the Word of God with the goal of passing it on to others.
Connecting in christ ladies group
Leader: Mary McGinnis - mary3riv@yahoo.com
Who: Adult Women of All Ages
Day: Every Wednesday (throughout the school year)
Time: 6:30pm-7:45pm
Where: Room M114 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: A time of connection - great conversations, worship, Bible study, and prayer.
men's Wednesday Evening bible study group
Leader: Brennan Richie - brennanrichie@yahoo.com
Who: Adult Men of All Ages
Day: Wednesdays (throughout the school year)
Time: 6:45pm-7:45pm
Where: Fellowship South
About: Group time is centered around in-depth verse by verse studies of books of the Bible and connecting in authentic relationships for support and encouragement.
Men's Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Leader: Mike Thompson
Who: Adult Men of All Ages
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 6:30 am- 7:30 am
Where: Macho Taco in Manchaca
About: Study on Understanding God and how that changes how we live.
Men's Sunday Evening Bible Study
Leader: Kevin Goldsmith - Kevin@manchacabaptist.org
Who: Adult Men of All Ages
Day: Sunday
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Where: Fellowship South
About: Understanding the Bible, Understanding Theology, Understanding How to Live as a Christian
Manchaca Mom's Group
Leader: Claire Davis - claireewren@gmail.com
Who: Moms of young kids
Day: Varies
Time: Varies
Where: Varies
About: This group connects over a Facebook Group (Manchaca Mom’s & More) to schedule various playdates and other times of connection.
women's bible study group
Leader: Carlene Cleveland - carlenec.80@gmail.com
Who: Adult Women of All Ages
Day: Fridays (throughout the school year)
Time: 9:30am-11:30am
Where: Room E115 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: This is a group of women mostly in their 50-70’s but is open to women of all ages. They meet for prayer, a time of encouragement, and participate mostly in Beth Moore Bible Studies. On the first Friday of each month they stay longer and prepare items for Operation Christmas Child.
women's widow group
Leader: Mary Lee - maryl@manchacaumc.org
Who: Adult Widowed Women
Day: Varies
Time: Varies
Where: Varies
About: This group meets at various times for lunch and other times of fellowship for support and encouragement.
Leader: Bart Swope - bartstires2@gmail.com
Who: Senior Adults
Day: 2nd Friday of each month
Time: 12:00pm
Where: Room E115 (Manchaca Baptist)
About: This group meets for a potluck lunch on the 2nd Friday of each month and plays games (42, chicken foot, etc.) after eating together.
senior adult outing group
Leader: J.P. Kirksey - jpandjudykirksey@att.net
Who: Senior Adults
Day: Varies
Time: Varies
Where: Varies
About: This group takes day trips to various places of interest throughout Austin and beyond. Trips are planned by a Team of Senior Members of MBC and are open to suggestions for future trips. To find out when/where the next trip is, visit: manchacabaptist.org/connect/seniors, or email J.P.
Senior adult men's lunch
Leader: Jim Hussey - ozhussey@aol.com
Who: Senior Adult Men
Day: Thursdays
Time: 11:00am
Where: Golden Corral (7300 S IH 35 Frontage Rd, Austin, TX 78745)
About: A time of connection and conversation over lunch together Thursday.
women's Ministry
Leader: Mary McGinnis - mary3riv@yahoo.com
Who: Women of All Ages
Day: Varies
Time: Varies
Where: Varies
About: Ladies have dinner (Dutch-treat) and spend sisterhood time every second Tuesday of each month from 6-8pm at DK Maria's on Manchaca Road. There are also monthly weekend events such as the Mother & Daughter Tea, Spring Retreat, Painting with the Pro, and so much more!
interested in starting a new group?
Would you like to connect with at least 2-3 others and start a workout group (CrossFit, jogging, biking, etc.), a MOPS group, a home group, a prayer group, a dinner group, a breakfast or coffee group, a particular study group, a hunting group, a fishing group, etc.? The possibilities are endless. We’d love to help you get connected in doing life together in some way. Email the Church Office at info@manchacabaptist.org for more information.